The Importance of Health Checks

Regular health checks give pets and their owners the best chance of preventing, detecting and treating any possible illnesses, both immediately and in the future.

A full exam allows your vet to take a closer look at your pet and gives you the opportunity to ask about any unusual behaviour. Below you’ll find more information on the importance of health checks and how to manage your pet’s veterinary care.


Early Disease Detection

A key benefit of regular health check-ups for your pet is the potential to detect illnesses early on. There may be subtle changes in your pet’s behaviour that you don’t consider remarkable, but your vet may pick up on these as warning signs of something more serious. If your pet is diagnosed with a disease, the earlier the treatment starts the better the prognosis will generally be. This treatment could involve anything from surgery and medication to a simple change in diet, but whatever it is, you’ll want to get the ball rolling.


Preventative Treatment

There are many animal illnesses that can be easily prevented with treatment from your vet. Younger pets, in particular, will need a variety of vaccines to combat preventable diseases, along with treatments to deter parasites and worms. Your vet will help you construct a preventative healthcare plan for your pet over the next few years with scheduled treatments over time. At each check-up, the vet will also examine your pet’s weight and be able to warn you if they are becoming overweight, enabling you to make the necessary changes to avoid obesity.


Important Checks

During an annual health check, your vet will complete a thorough nose-to-tail examination of your pet. They will check ears for mites and infection, and examine eyes to make sure your pet has no issues with vision such as cataracts or glaucoma, which can lead to more serious issues. Internal organs will be checked using a stethoscope and physical manipulation to make sure there are no abnormalities. Another essential area of investigation is your pet’s mouth. Tooth or gum decay can cause your pet pain without you even realising it. This can lead to more serious abscesses or even tooth loss.


Total Wellness

At Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital, your pet’s health is our primary concern. In order to give you the best possible service and value for money, we’ve developed a range of wellness packages to provide excellent preventative care for your dog, cat, puppy or kitten. The plan includes regular health checks as well as parasite treatments, essential vaccinations, deworming and discounts on further consultations. Explore either our dog and puppy or cat and kitten packages to find out more, and keep your pet healthy for less.

If you’d like to purchase a wellness package for your pet then call Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital now on 08 9524 6644 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

Common Pet Surgical Procedures

No pet owner likes the idea of the furriest member of their family having to undergo surgery, but with the expert care of our team at Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital, there is no need to worry. We aim to make every surgery as stress-free as possible for you and your pet. Below, you’ll find more information on the most common surgical procedures we perform.


Tooth Extractions

Dental decay and damage can pose a serious health threat to animals. Infected teeth may need to be extracted in order to minimise risk to surrounding healthy teeth and tissue. This is a very common animal surgery which utilises general anaesthesia to maximise the comfort of your pet.

In order to prevent your pet from needing a tooth extraction, it’s important to care for their oral health by brushing their teeth once a week or using a shop-bought teeth cleaning treat. At Port Kennedy Vets, we have a dedicated dental suite for performing regular cleaning, minor procedures and dental surgeries.



This is the most common type of pet surgery and it is a highly recommended preventative measure. Desexing offers many benefits to your pet as well as the family. For example, a de-sexed animal has a lower risk of developing reproductive cancers and enjoy an increased life expectancy overall. A neutered animal will generally experience less anxiety and aggressive behaviour, and is less likely to bite or get involved in fights. The overall result is a more affectionate, relaxed companion for you and your family. Find out more about the benefits of desexing your pet, preparing for the procedure and caring for them afterwards.


Skin Surgeries

Many pets need to have skin lumps or other masses operated on. Both benign and malignant tumours are removed for safety, and biopsies can be carried out afterwards. Other skin surgeries include operating on abscesses to enable proper healing and suturing wounds.



As much as we may try to protect them, our pets often suffer injuries. Injuries from fights such as bites and open wounds may need surgery to prevent infection. Broken bones sometimes need resetting or the insertion of metal plates to regain strength, and torn ligaments can be repaired. In these instances, it is best to get your pet to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible to minimise blood loss, infection or further damage.

If you’d like to arrange desexing or another surgery for your pet, call Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital now on 08 9524 6644 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

Management Plans of Overweight Pets

Recent studies have shown that up to a third of Australian cats and dogs are now considered overweight. Dogs are more likely than cats to have weight problems, and pets that are older, neutered or live in single-pet households are also more at risk. Unfortunately, certain breeds are more prone to obesity but this doesn’t mean it can’t be avoided.

Here’s some information on diagnosing and treating obesity in your pets.

Is My Pet Overweight?

To check if your pet is overweight, start by feeling around their ribcage and spine. In a healthy animal, you should be able to feel their bone structure through only a thin layer of fat. If you can’t find the ribcage at all then you definitely have an overweight pet.


If you know the optimal weight for your pet’s age and breed, then you can weigh them at home. Step on a scale to read your own weight and then step back on while holding your pet – their weight will be the difference between the two sums. As a general rule, if your pet is up to 15% over their optimal weight they are considered overweight. Above 15% is categorised as obese.


What Are the Risks?

An overweight pet has a shorter life expectancy and a poorer quality of life overall than a pet of a healthy weight. The health risks to an overweight animal include arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and respiratory problems. In addition to these, carrying that extra weight around will cause excessive wear on your pet’s joints and ligaments. Not only will your pet be less happy but it could leave you with huge costs in surgical bills and additional veterinary visits.


Step One – Diet

 The first step in managing your pet’s weight is to get everyone in the household on board with the diet plan. Make sure no one is going to feel sorry for your overweight pet and sneak it extra treats or supplementary food as this will make it harder to achieve weight loss goals. Get advice from your vet on how much energy your furry friend needs from food and make sure they are still getting the nutrition they need while on their new diet. Portion control is an easy way to lower calorie intake so try cutting daily food intake by 20-30% as a first step. For help and guidance, sign up for Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital’s free weight loss clinics for pets.


Step Two – Exercise

The second part of the weight management plan is to increase exercise. For dogs, this is a simple matter of taking longer and more frequent walks, but for cats, it’s a little trickier. Try adding height to your cat’s play area with vertical scratching posts and playing areas. Invest in a few more toys and encourage the whole family to play with the cat as much as possible. Bring out its natural instinct to hunt using lights, wands and other moving objects. Make meal times into an aerobic adventure by dividing food into smaller portions and hiding them around the house.


Maintaining Healthy Weight

Once you begin to achieve success in your pet’s weight management plan, it’s crucial to maintain this new routine. Continue to keep treats to a minimum and get as much exercise as possible. Getting the whole family into the habit of looking after your pet’s health is essential for maintaining weight loss.

If you’re interested in discussing a diet plan for your pet, call Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital providing veterinary services to Port Kennedy and surrounding Perth suburbs now or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

The Importance of Pet Nutrition

Good nutrition is just as important for your pets as it is for the rest of your family. Nutritional requirements for your pet depending on their age, breed, size and health and will change over time. To keep your pets as happy and healthy as possible, follow our guidelines below.


Commercial vs Home Made Foods

Commercial foods are designed to meet all of your pet’s needs. Most include a mixture of meat, grains, vegetables and vitamins. If you prefer to feed your pet raw food then that’s fine too – just make sure it provides the right combination of energy, proteins, healthy fats and other necessary nutrients for your pet’s stage of life. Dry foods are good for the teeth while wet foods provide additional moisture to prevent dehydration.


Speak to your vet about the best feeding option, but in general, the choice of food is down to the personal preferences of you and your pet.


Does My Pet Need to Diet?

In Australia, one in three cats and dogs is overweight. Pets in this situation live shorter and less active lives than their fitter counterparts. Heavy pets tend to be less playful and energetic and will physically interact with their families less, spending more time lying around. Carrying extra weight also puts extra pressure on their limbs, joints and the heart.


If you suspect your pet is overweight then it’s important to do something about it now. Carrying just a few extra kilos can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and joint problems, among other complications. You can do a basic check for obesity at home by seeing how easily you can feel your pet’s ribs – if they are difficult to feel then it’s time for a visit to the vet.


How Do I Put My Pet On a Diet?

Weight loss for your pet shouldn’t be too tricky. The keys to success include the right advice from your veterinary healthcare team and a commitment from you and your family.


The ideal weight for your cat or dog will be calculated based on its size, age and breed. Just like for humans, it’s important not to cause any extreme weight loss – a safe amount would be around 3-5% body weight loss per month. Once you know what you’re aiming for, you can start to feed your pet smaller portions of its normal food or use special lower-calorie pet food. You should also increase the amount of exercise your furry friend is getting every day. Sign up for the free weight loss clinic at Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital for help every step of the way.



Dogs and cats love treats just as much as we do! There’s no reason that treats can’t be part of a healthy diet for your pet. Just make sure you pay attention to what they’re eating and make sure treats don’t make up more than 10% of their daily calorie intake. Instead of buying snacks at the supermarket, try treating your pet to fresh vegetables or fruit snacks such as green beans or banana slices, or bigger snacks like baby carrots, watermelon or apples for dogs. Just make sure you avoid anything that’s high in fat or sugar and skip anything that could damage your pet’s teeth.


If you’re interested in discussing a diet plan for your pet, call Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

How to Treat Kennel Cough in Dogs

If your dog has kennel cough, it can be quite distressing to witness. Kennel cough makes your dog generally miserable and lethargic. The cough itself is also loud and can sound quite concerning. Kennel cough can become quite serious if left untreated for a length of time and it also prevents your dog from being near other dogs until they have recovered.

What is Kennel Cough?

Kennel Cough is a respiratory disease that occurs in puppies and dogs. It’s highly contagious and dogs tend to catch it at boarding kennels or off-lead dog parks. It’s easily treated, although puppies that are under 6 months old and dogs who haven’t been immunised can be at a higher risk of becoming severely unwell.

How Do You Know if Your Dog Has Kennel Cough?

There are some common symptoms associated with kennel cough, one of them being a ‘honking’ sound as your dog coughs. Other symptoms may include:

• Frequent sneezing
• Runny nose
• Tiredness
• Loss of appetite

How Can You Treat Kennel Cough?

Kennel Cough can usually be treated like a common cold, where a fortnight of rest will be enough to recover completely. If symptoms persist then a veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics or a cough medication to ease the symptoms.

What Happens if Kennel Cough Isn’t Treated?

Generally, kennel cough will resolve itself on its own. However, if after 14 days your dog is still quite unwell, kennel cough may need to be resolved with antibiotics before it turns into something more serious.

What Else Do You Need to Do if Your Dog Has Kennel Cough?

To avoid re-infection or infection of other pets or dogs, you should separate your dog from other pets and keep their food and water bowls apart. Humans can’t catch kennel cough but other animals may become infected.

How Long Is Your Dog with Kennel Cough Confined for?

You should isolate your pet from other dogs for 14 days following the first symptoms of kennel cough. This is to be on the safe side as generally, dogs are only contagious for the first 7-10 days.

The team at Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital understands, values, and respects the very special nature of the human-animal bond. We dedicate ourselves to ensuring that your pet is achieving the best quality of life.

If you’re concerned about your dog suffering kennel cough, contact us today.

How to Save Money on Your Vet Bills

Vet bills can be extremely costly and they come as a shock to many. Your animals don’t communicate with you that they aren’t feeling well. Sometimes we don’t even notice their illness before there are obvious signs such as yelping in pain or not eating and drinking. By the time you visit your vet, serious surgery or other treatments might be needed.

It’s important to know how to save money on your vet bills while your pets are young and also into the future, not only for your sake financially but also for the sake of your pet’s health and longevity.

Here’s how you can look after your pay packet and also your beloved pet

Watch Your Pet’s Weight

It’s not abnormal for pets to be overweight. Many pet owners tend to over feed their pets with food scraps and leftovers. Most people lead busy lives with smaller yards, too. This means your pet might not be getting the exercise they need through regular walks or playing with a ball in your own backyard. Like humans, pet obesity can lead to serious health problems which can be expensive or difficult to treat. Watch your pet’s weight and make sure you’re feeding and exercising them appropriately for their breed.

 Ask about a Wellness Package

These days, some veterinarians offer wellness packages to minimise any costly bills in the long run and make sure your beautiful pet is well looked after.

At Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital, we have wellness packages to cater perfectly to your pet’s health and wellbeing needs. This is one of the best ways to ensure preventative health measures are up to date and any minor issues are picked up by your vet before they become a major one.

Find Out All Your Options

If you do encounter a problem and it looks as if it will be a costly one to treat, make sure you ask your vet to lay out all the options. More often than not, there are many ways to treat an illness and each one will vary in cost. Find out which one will suit your budget and your pet’s needs before launching into an expensive and potentially risky surgery for your pet.

Consider Pet Insurance

Wellness packages are fantastic for maintaining your pet’s health but as your pet ages, it’s natural that they may run into health problems that would require treatment or surgery. Pet insurance will leave you at ease, knowing that if something happens to your pet, whether by accident or due to old age, the costs will be looked after.

At Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital we recognize that regular preventive care is essential for your pet’s continued health. With this in mind, we have developed a range of Wellness Packages for your pet that focus on providing high-level preventative vet care for your cat, dog, puppy or kitten. Contact us today to organise a wellness package that suits you and your pet.

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Benefits of Sterilisation and Desexing for your cats or dogs

The Benefits of Sterilisation and Desexing for Your Pet

Have you become the happy owner of a new puppy or kitten?

Congratulations! Welcoming a little canine or feline friend into your home is always an exciting time.

There are many things you’ll need to consider to properly take care of your new pet. These considerations ensure that you’re giving them the happiest and healthiest life possible. One of the most important things you’ll need to take care of is getting your cat or dog desexed. As well as reducing the risk of unwanted litters, neutering has a number of benefits for your pet’s health and wellbeing.

We’ve put together some practical information about desexing to help you create a better experience for your cat or dog.

What is Desexing or Neutering for Pets?

Desexing, also sometimes called neutering or spaying, is a common surgical procedure that prevents pets from being able to reproduce. If you don’t want your new kitten or puppy to become pregnant and breed, you’ll need to organise to have them desexed at a professional veterinarian clinic.

The most common age to desex your pet is between 4 and 6 months, however, the procedure can be completed at any stage of an animal’s life.

The Benefits of Sterilisation for Your Pet

With the world already full of stray and abandoned animals, it’s vital that pet owners take responsibility and make sure that they’re not contributing to that number of unwanted animals. If you don’t want your cat or dog to have a litter, you must organise for them to be desexed. This applies to both males and females.

As well as removing the risk of unwanted pregnancy, there are also some other surprising benefits of sterilisation for cats and dogs.

These advantages include:

  • Stopping the heat cycle in female cats and dogs
  • Living a longer and healthier life
  • Preventing testicular cancer and prostate disease in male pets
  • Preventing pyometra (infection of the uterus) and mammary tumours (breast cancer) in female animals
  • Decreasing aggression towards humans and other animals
  • Being less prone to wander, especially in male pets

Preparing for Your Pet’s Desexing Procedure

Your vet will give you detailed instructions before your pet’s procedure, but here are some things to expect before your cat or dog’s spaying appointment.

Your pet will need to fast before their procedure. No food is to be given to your cat or dog after 10pm on the night before surgery. The next day, before surgery, no water is to be given after 8am.

At the clinic, the vet may take a blood test prior to surgery to check vital organ function. They will also perform a thorough physical examination before administering a general anaesthetic and pain relief medication.

Some cats and dogs might require intravenous fluid support during their surgery.

Caring for Your Cat or Dog after Desexing

Most pets will recover very quickly from the sterilisation procedure, although they may have a little tenderness at first.

Limit your pet’s food and water to small portions on the first night that they return home. Make sure you administer the post-surgical medications properly and check the incision at least twice daily for any signs of infection or disruption, such as bleeding, swelling, redness or discharge.

Prevent your pet from licking or chewing their stitches and always return to your vet to remove the stitches and have a post-surgery check-up.

Desexing Your Pet in Port Kennedy 

Pet owners in Port Kennedy, Rockingham, Baldivis and the surrounds can organise to have their cat or dog desexed at Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital.

Sterilisation procedures can also be included as part of the clinic’s range of affordable wellness packages. These packages provide regular preventative care for the health of your cat or dog, puppy or kitten.

Book in for a desexing appointment today or talk to our team about healthcare packages for your pet.

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Is Micro chipping compulsory for cats and dogs in WA?

Did you know that in Western Australia it is compulsory for all cats and dogs to be microchipped?

Let’s look closer at microchipping for Western Australian pets so you can understand more about your responsibilities and what the process entails.  If you own a cat or dog in Western Australia. it’s compulsory as per Australian law to have your pet microchipped in most states and territories in Australia. The only states that do not require microchips are South Australia and the Northern Territory. Visit RSPCA website here and find more about regulations in your state as age limits and registration of your pet vary for each state.


What is Microchipping?

 Microchipping can be completed quickly and easily by your vet at the clinic. With no more fuss or pain than a vaccination, a small microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, will be implanted just under the skin at the back of your pet’s neck.

Once the chip has been implanted, it is able to be scanned, with details such as your pet’s name, your contact address and your phone number existing on a national database. This way, if your cat or dog ever wanders and gets lost, loses their collar, or is even stolen, their microchip can be read by vets, animal shelters and local councils who can then easily get in touch with you. You must remember to update your details with the database if you move house or change the phone number.

At What Age Must Cats and Dogs Be Microchipped?

Under Cat Act 2011, Sections 14 & 23 all cats over the age of 6 months and Dog Act 1976 dogs over 3 months must be microchipped.

While microchipping is not compulsory when the dog comes into your ownership, but recent changes to the Dog Act require microchipping for all dogs in Perth and WAby November 1, 2015.  It’s best to arrange their microchipping while your kitten or puppy is still young, for their security and your peace of mind.

Do You Need to Microchip Your Pet if They Are Unwell?

If your pet is unwell, your vet may not think microchipping is a good idea for them at the time. If microchipping could adversely affect the health and welfare of your pet, your vet may issue you with an exemption certificate that you can take to your local government.


Microchipping Your Cat or Dog in Port Kennedy

At Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital, microchipping is included in our range of popular and affordable wellness packages for your pet. With specifically tailored packages for cats, dogs, puppies or kittens, these packages provide regular preventative care for the health of your pet. As well as being kept safe and secure by their microchip, your pet will be able to receive regular check-ups to ensure ongoing good health, preventing the risks of illness and disease.

If your cat or dog not microchipped, it’s time to see a vet. Do you need to have your kitten or puppy microchipped? To protect your furry friend or to learn more about the process, simply book an appointment with Port Kennedy Vet Hospital veterinarian today.

Do you need to have your kitten or puppy microchipped? To protect your furry friend or to learn more about the process, simply book an appointment with Port Kennedy Vet Hospital veterinarian today and learn about our full range of microchipping services.

The Cost Saving Benefits of Preventative Healthcare for Your Pet

Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital

Port Kennedy Veterinary HospitalOwning a pet is a big responsibility, as you’re committing yourself to the care of another animal for the duration of its life. All pets deserve this life to be as long, happy and healthy as possible – and it’s up to you to ensure that!

Preventative healthcare is a clinical approach that promotes regular health checks, vaccinations, dental care and nutrition as a way to keep cats and dogs healthy, reducing the need for emergency treatments or surgeries.

Today we’ll provide you with more information on this topic and take you through the benefits that preventative healthcare can offer – for both you, and your pet.

Regular Vet Check Ups for Long-Term Health

Many vets recognise that preventative healthcare is the best way to prevent and manage diseases in animals. With regular visits ideally every 6 months to your veterinarian in Rockingham you’ll be able to detect any signs or symptoms of ill health in your pet, greatly reducing the risk to their health.

This provides you with much-needed peace of mind, and can also save you a considerable amount of money in vet bills further down the track.

Pet Vaccinations for Dogs and Cats

Pet Vaccinations are also an important part of your pet’s health. Both cats and dogs need to be vaccinated from very young ages, to protect against infectious diseases and reduce the risk of young fatalities.

Port Kennedy Vet clinics in Rockingham offer preventative wellness packages for puppies or dogs, and kittens and cats bundle vaccinations into your cover, so your pet will receive the following services:

  • annual blood tests
  • parasite treatment
  • core vaccinations tailored to your pet’s lifestyle

Read more about the importance of pet vaccinations for your pet.

Be Prepared for Pet Emergencies

One of the scariest aspects of being a pet owner is the idea of something happening to your beloved pet – road accidents, poisoning and serious illness can unfortunately all happen. Aside from the obvious impact that this would have on your pet, treatments in emergency situations are often expensive and highly stressful. Your best bet is to be properly prepared for any emergency.

At Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital, your pet can receive regular professional care under an affordable monthly payment system that suits your budget and promotes ongoing good health for your cat or dog.

These wellness packages for your pets offer a range of affordable services that provide regular preventative care for the health of your cat and/or dog. Regular check-ups ensure ongoing good health, and by preventing illness and disease in the first place you’ll also be saving money on potentially expensive vet bills. 

So consider preventative healthcare for your pet today – they’ll thank you for it.