Saving Money on Your Pets Medical Costs

Saving Money on Your Pets Medical Costs

Saving Money on Your Pets Medical Costs: Our pets provide pleasure, companionship, and affection. On the other hand, they also need financial commitments, particularly for medical care. As a pet owner, you should always put your animal friend’s health first while also considering the expenses. In this post, we’ll look at a few different ways to save costs on your pet’s vet bills without sacrificing their health.

Saving Money on Your Pets Medical Costs

1. Invest in preventive care

Remember to take your pets in for checkups at least once a year. Regular checkups may detect health problems before they escalate into costly and time-consuming crises. Your pet’s age, health, and lifestyle will determine how often your veterinarian recommends visits.

Vaccines and various other forms of preventative medication

The best way to protect your pets from parasites like heartworm, fleas, and ticks is to keep them vaccinated and on preventative medicine. By being proactive, we can stave off illnesses that might otherwise be very expensive to cure.

2. Utilise wellness plans

In exchange for a monthly payment, some animal hospitals and clinics provide wellness packages for pets. These packages may include:

  • Preventative medicine
  • Dental cleanings
  • Yearly checkups

Compared to paying for each service separately, this may save you money.

3. Maintain good oral health

To avoid expensive procedures, it is important to clean your pet’s teeth regularly using vet-approved toothpaste to avoid dental disease.

Professional dental cleaning

Following your vet’s advice on regular professional dental cleanings will save you a lot of money compared to the cost of addressing more severe tooth problems down the road.

4. Ensure the Well-Being of Your Pet

Numerous health issues, some of which may be very costly to cure, can develop as a result of pet obesity. Keep your pet at a healthy weight by giving it the right food and making sure it gets enough activity.

Dietary Advice Consultation

To find out what’s best for your pet nutritionally, go to your vet. Sometimes, regular, affordable food can be enough if it meets all the requirements.

Causes of Gagging and Coughing in Dogs

Causes of Gagging and Coughing in Dogs

Causes of Gagging and Coughing in Dogs:Coughing and gagging are symptoms of more severe illnesses in dogs than in people because, unlike humans, dogs seldom cough. Breathing problems are common among smaller and flatter-faced dogs, such as pugs, bulldogs, and boxers, due to their short snouts. Additionally, some dogs experience snorting, choking, and other respiratory discomfort due to dietary or environmental allergies.

Here are some of the most common causes of persistent coughing and gagging in dogs.

Kennel Cough

An abrupt and persistent cough, which may escalate to a level of severity that causes your dog to gag, is the hallmark of kennel cough. Kennel cough, which is similar to human bronchitis, may make your dog snort, choke, wheeze, and cough deeply and hack, but it’s typically not as bad as it sounds.

The majority of dogs will recover on their own after a few days of isolation from other dogs with kennel cough, even though the disease is highly infectious. The typical healing time for a healthy dog is around two weeks, although older dogs and puppies may need extra attention in case they require veterinarian treatment.


Some of the objects that dogs chew on end up stuck in their throats. If your dog gags, licks its lips, and keeps attempting to swallow—even if it’s only a grass seed—you’ll know something is wrong.

Get your canine checked out at the vet as soon as possible if he or she is unable to cough it up.

Collapsing Trachea

Whether it’s a hereditary or acquired defect, tracheal collapse may affect small dog breeds. In addition to avoiding activity while he or she is in respiratory difficulty, your dog may often gag when eating or drinking. Some kinds are manageable, while others may need surgical intervention.

Heart Disease

As with other symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, a blue tongue, lethargy, and extreme exhaustion, particularly while exercising, coughing may be an indication of cardiac illness in dogs. See your vet right now for a diagnosis and treatment plan if you see any of these signs.


If your dog is coughing up mucus or water, it can be a sign of pneumonia or fluid accumulation in his lungs. A fever, lethargy, and difficulty breathing are some possible symptoms for your dog. There are a lot of potential causes of pneumonia, so it’s important to take your dog to the doctor right away if he or she develops a cough that sounds wet.

Veterinarian Rockingham

Every day of the week, our doors are open at Pork Kennedy Vets to aid and advise you if your dog is experiencing chronic gagging or coughing. Your pet’s comfort and well-being are our first concerns. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health, please call 08 9524 6644 or send us an email. You may invest in your pet’s health and happiness with our wellness packages, which simplify pet care and provide reasonable monthly payments.

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A Guide to Healthy Eating for Your Pet

A Guide to Healthy Eating for Your Pet: A balanced diet is essential for dogs and cats, just as it is for people. The diet of a pet positively impacts its health, lifespan, and quality of life. In this article, we will go over the basics of pet nutrition, including what pets need, what kinds of food are available, and how to keep their diet balanced.

Understanding nutritional needs

Different species, ages, sizes, and health conditions have different dietary requirements for pets. As far as dietary needs go, the two most prevalent home pets, dogs and cats, couldn’t be more different.


Due to their omnivorous diet, dogs need a variety of nutrients, including protein, carbs, fats, and minerals. The following foods should form part of a normal dog’s diet:


Legumes, eggs, fish, and meat (beef, chicken, or pork) are necessary for development and maintenance.


Give your pet energy; some examples of this include sweet potatoes and cereals like rice and oats.


When it comes to skin health and vitality, sources like fish oil and chicken fat are crucial.

Vitamins and minerals

It is a common component in commercial dog meals and has an important role in metabolic functions.

Nutritional needs for cats

Due to their nature as obligate carnivores, cats have a greater protein need than dogs. What they should eat is:


Any significant portion of its ingredients must come from animals, preferably fish or chicken.


Because they are unable to produce it internally, cats must rely on meat as a source of the amino acid taurine.


For this critical energy, you should use animal fats or oils.

Metals and vitamins

Vitamin A is essential for cats, but they can’t get it from beta-carotene.

Portion Control

How much food to give a pet is proportional to its age, weight, degree of activity, and general health. Both overfeeding and underfeeding pose risks to pets’ health. The former may cause obesity, while the latter can cause malnutrition.

Special Dietary Considerations

Because of illnesses like diabetes or allergies, certain dogs may need a more specific diet. In order to determine the best diet for these illnesses, it is essential to consult with a veterinarian.


Top 8 Healthiest Foods for Dogs

Top 8 Healthiest Foods for Dogs

Top 8 Healthiest Foods for Dogs: Dogs may also consume human food. Here is a list of our 10 favorite easy and nutritious dog foods.

Peanut Butter for Energy

Peanut butter provides your dog with essential nutrients, like protein, healthy fats, and vitamins, allowing them to stay active for longer. Peanut butter may have an unusual texture for some dogs, but once they get over it, they love the creamy, salty flavor. To encourage licking, try spreading peanut butter on a carrot or apple slice, or placing it on a chew toy or bone. You should only give your dog peanut butter if it is a healthy kind that does not include any added sugar or sugar substitutes like xylitol, which may be harmful to dogs.

Cheese for a Protein Boost

Assuming your canine does not suffer from lactose intolerance, cheese is a great option for a quick and nutritious snack that is high in calcium and protein. Dogs may benefit greatly from cottage cheese due to its high protein content, low fat content, and ease of digestion.

Carrots for Healthy Teeth

Raw carrots aren’t just good for horses; they’re also a nutritious food for dogs! Carrots are healthy for dogs of all weights since they are low in calories and help keep teeth sharp when chewed. Overweight dogs may also benefit from this snack.

Yogurt for Digestive Health

What you need is living yogurt that is simple and unsweetened; this is a very precise request. Similar to cheese, giving your dog more dairy will increase his protein and calcium intake, and the living cultures and probiotics are fantastic for his digestive health.

Eggs for Extra Calories

You may give your puppy either cooked or uncooked eggs. If you want to offer your dog a healthy dose of biotin and riboflavin, one option is to feed them raw eggs—shell and all—in an outdoor setting. Try a hard-boiled egg without any spice if you’re nervous about eating raw eggs. An excellent source of calories and protein for a developing puppy!

Green Beans for Veggo Dogs

A vegetarian dog on a weight loss regimen would benefit greatly from eating green beans. The low calorie count and high fiber content of the stringy vegetable will make it easier for your dog to lose weight.

Apples for Vitamins

To ensure that your dog gets enough vitamin A and C every day, throw a diced apple into its dish when it’s snack time. The skin contains most of the nutrients, so there’s no need to peel it. However, you should try to avoid eating the seeds since they contain trace amounts of cyanide.

Fish for Good Fats

Because of the abundance of healthy fats and amino acids in cooked salmon and sardines, these fish are ideal for your dog’s diet. For the sake of your pet’s safety, always prepare fish to the proper doneness and remove any bones before feeding it.

Coconut for Immune Protection

The lauric acid found in coconuts aids in weight reduction and strengthens the immune system. While coconut meat, milk, or oil are all safe for dogs to eat, it’s important to keep their paws away from the entire coconut since the hairy rind might choke them. Coconut oil has several uses; it not only improves the appearance of your skin but also helps with bad breath and other skin issues.

Peanuts for More Protein

Your dog can eat peanuts, but that’s about it when it comes to nuts. Although almonds aren’t poisonous to dogs, their form makes them a choking hazard, and macadamias, walnuts, and pecans are very poisonous. But peanuts, which are rich in protein and healthful fats, pose no threat at all. you keep this snack healthy for your dog, just be sure you serve them shelled, unsalted peanuts.

Port Kennedy Vets offer a Wellness Programme to help you keep your dog in top condition and living a long, healthy and happy life. Call 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page today to find out more.

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5 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Dog Fit

5 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Dog Fit

5 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Dog Fit: Your dog’s health is in jeopardy if it’s overweight. The good news is that if you follow our guidelines, helping your dog shed pounds safely will be a breeze.

No More Unhealthy Treats

Whether you’re teaching your dog and want to reward excellent behaviour or preparing for a long vacation away from home, it’s tempting to give in to your dog’s every whim. While it’s perfectly OK to give your dog snacks every now and then, you should only give them goodies that are safe for dogs to consume. Miniature pieces of fresh produce, dental chews, or speciality meat sticks are all great options for treats for dogs.

5 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Dog Fit: A Strict Dog’s Dinner

Unfortunately, our four-legged buddies do not fit the definition of “sharing is caring.” As important as it is for you to eat your dinner, your dog needs to know that it is distinct from yours. Everyone in the household has to be aware that feeding your dog leftovers is hazardous for its health because it may lead to weight gain and behavioural problems.

More Playtime, More Exercise

You and Fido will both benefit from this one! Your dog will lose weight more quickly if you exercise more, and you will benefit from it as well. Make an effort to walk for longer periods of time or add an additional stroll to your regular schedule. You should team up with a buddy who also has a dog so you can divide and conquer the daily walk duty. The best way to get everyone in the family moving is to get them outdoors and play with your dog often.

Think Portion Control

Rather than giving in to its desires, make sure your dog is getting the food it needs. Find out how many calories your dog requires each day by seeing a vet or looking it up online; then, prepare meals accordingly. As a first step in helping your dog lose weight, try reducing servings by 20–30%. Just make sure your pet is still receiving all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Do a Weekly Weigh-In

If you want to set a target for your dog’s weight loss, your vet may assist you in doing so. Just stand your dog on the scales once with it and once without to get an accurate reading. If you want your dog to shed weight healthily, it’s best if it happens gradually over time.

Monitor Your Dog’s Progress

No matter how little you perceive your dog’s weight to be right now, it’s still wise to monitor its progress. Even after your dog’s weight reduction plan has ended, it’s a good idea to check in on his or her health by checking his or her weight once a month. At Port Kennedy Vets, we offer a free weight loss clinic for our clients where you can work with your vet to make sure your dog stays in top physical condition throughout its life.

To arrange a visit to one of our free weight loss clinics, call the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital team today on 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

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Pet Dental Health Guide

Grooming Service for Your Dog

Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital Dentistry

Pet Dental Health Guide: Keeping your pet’s teeth and gums healthy is an important, but sometimes neglected, part of pet care. Most of us probably don’t give much thought to how to keep our four-legged companions’ teeth clean, even if we wash and floss every day.

The need for regular dental checkups for animals is comparable to that of people. Among the many frequent health issues that dogs face, dental illness ranks highly. When your cat doesn’t get enough dental care, it may affect their mood, health, and behaviour. Poor mouth shape also contributes to poor oral hygiene.

How can you ensure that your pet’s teeth and gums are always in the best possible shape? Let’s have a look at some tips.

Healthy Food for Healthy Teeth and Gums

The foods that pets eat have a significant impact on their oral health. For example, when pets chew and gnaw on certain foods, it helps to eliminate tartar and plaque from their teeth. Modern dental diets for pets are just as beneficial as giving them a regular brushing.

If you want to help your cat or dog keep their teeth healthy, see your vet about developing a special diet.

Check for Signs of Poor Oral Health

Check for changes or damage to your pet’s teeth on a regular basis by visually inspecting them. The accumulation of germs in plaque is the first cause of oral health problems such as tartar formation and tooth decay.

If you see any yellowing, browning, or holes in your pet’s teeth, it might be a sign of tartar or decay. The following are some indicators of poor dental hygiene that might eventually cause problems:

  • Bad breath
  • Difficulty eating or chewing
  • Loose teeth or teeth falling out
  • Bleeding gums
  • Increased dribbling/drooling
  • Pawing at mouth as though painful

The oral health of your pet depends on your quick response to these warning signals. Because issues with the teeth may spread to other parts of the body, including the kidneys, heart, and liver, you will be doing them a favour by assisting their general health.

Regular Check Ups and Preventative Healthcare

Veterinarians practice preventative medicine by stressing the need of regular checkups, vaccines, dental treatment, and proper diet for the long-term health of pets. As a result, pet owners may avoid spending a fortune on costly emergency treatments, surgeries, and dental care.

If you take your pet to the doctor on a regular basis, the vet will be able to monitor his or her mouth, teeth, and gums for any changes that might indicate an issue. You may save money in the long run while improving the comfort and health of your cats and dogs in the short term by treating them sooner rather than later.

Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital offers a range of affordable wellness packages that provide regular preventative care for the health of your cat and/or dog, including dental checks. For additional details or to schedule an appointment, get in touch with the veterinary staff.



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How to Keep Your Pet Warm This Winter

How to Keep Your Pet Warm This Winter: Even while your cat has a fuzzy coat, it won’t be enough to keep them warm in the winter for the majority of breeds. Here are some of our best suggestions for ensuring the comfort and safety of pets during winter.

  • Bedding

No matter whether your pet sleeps indoors or out, it’s best to elevate its bed off the floor for maximum comfort. The cold concrete, wood, or tiles won’t be able to touch the bed because of this. To keep them warm in the winter, make sure to cover their resting place with additional blankets or bedding. Your senior pet may need more warmth to be comfortable, especially if they are skinny or have arthritis. To ensure your pet stays toasty all night long, you may want to invest in a cuddle pad. Simply heat it up in the microwave and lay it beneath your pet’s blanket.

  • Clothing

Puppies and older dogs find it harder to control their body temperature. A sweater or coat for dogs might provide an additional layer of protection when the weather becomes particularly chilly. Whatever you choose to dress your dog in, make sure it can move freely and comfortably.

  • How to Keep Your Pet Warm This Winter: Grooming

Make sure you keep up a good grooming regime through the winter. Dogs with long fur stay warmer in cold weather, so there’s no need to cut or shave it. You should bathe them indoors in warm water whenever they need it. In order to keep your pet’s coat from matting and remaining an effective insulating barrier throughout the colder, wetter months, you should brush or comb it often.

  • Time Outside

If the weather is very chilly, it’s okay to walk a lesser distance than normal. Unless your dog is still exercising every day, there’s no need to put yourself and your pet in danger of becoming too cold. Make sure your pet gets enough of exercise and stays warm by letting them play inside if you have the room.

  • Car Travel

Leaving your pet alone in a hot vehicle or a chilly car is just as bad. Do not leave your pet alone in the vehicle for extended periods of time after turning off the heater.

  • Food

Extra food may be necessary in the winter for pets that spend a lot of time outside, since they will burn calories attempting to maintain their body temperature. Overfeeding, meanwhile, may lead to weight gain in many house pets, so it’s best avoided. Talk to your vet about your pet’s individual energy needs. Regardless of the season, your canine or feline friend needs a source of outside water that is not frozen.

  • Outside Shelter

You should always make sure your outside pet has a safe place to go when the weather becomes bad. Kennels should be weatherproof, with a sloping roof, dry bedding, and some kind of shelter from the elements. In order to keep your pet healthy and happy throughout the colder months, it’s best if they can spend time inside.

For more information or to make a veterinary appointment, call Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

Common Allergies in Dogs and Cats

Common Allergies in Dogs and Cats

Common Allergies in Dogs and Cats: There are a wide variety of allergens that may affect dogs and cats. The most common triggers are dietary intolerances, hay fever, and even responses to common garden flora. In this post, let’s learn about these common allergies.

Common Allergies in Dogs and Cats

1. Food allergies

An intolerance to a particular food may develop gradually over time, even after consuming the same meal often. It manifests on the skin as a result of an immune response to a particular dietary protein or toxin. Cats and dogs often have allergic reactions to common proteins, such as chicken, fish, gluten, and eggs.

2. Seasonal common allergies in cats and dogs

Your four-legged pets may experience seasonal allergies in ways that are comparable to those in people. Allergens in their surroundings, such as dust mites, fleas, mould, and pollen from plants, trees, flowers, and weeds, might impact them. They will likely lick or scratch at one spot constantly and show no signs of distress.

3. Common flea allergies

As far as allergies go, this is the most prevalent, and most pet owners know about it. When fleas bite cats and dogs, their saliva contains chemicals that cause skin reactions.

Cats may have miliary dermatitis, a condition characterised by excessive grooming that causes crusts to form on the skin all over the body. The skin will develop little red patches, and dogs will bite and scratch at the afflicted regions.

What should I do for allergies in cats and dogs?

Though there are many challenges to being a pet parent, there are also many joys, such as cuddles, laughs, and kisses. Treating your cat or dog’s illness can be very hard because you don’t want to be the one to make them feel bad. Nevertheless, it’s sometimes necessary to make sure they live a long and healthy life. It is important to see a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your pet’s possible allergy symptoms.

Overweight Cats and Dogs

Overweight Cats and Dogs

Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital Weight LossOverweight Cats and Dogs: When dogs and cats become older and either become less active or spend more time inside, they are much like the rest of us: prone to accumulating weight. On the other hand, keeping dogs and cats from gaining too much weight is crucial. There are a lot of health problems that overweight dogs could have, and it can ruin their fun and healthy lives.

The prevalence of obesity in cats and dogs exceeds 50%, making it one of the most prevalent health issues treated by veterinarians. When it comes to overweight pets, the majority of owners are blissfully unaware. So, how can you tell whether your canine or feline friend needs to trim down? How can you encourage your beloved pet to shed those excess pounds?

Overweight Cats and Dogs: Signs That You Must Pay Attention to

Obesity in cats and dogs might be difficult to see, but once you do, it’s time to start making adjustments to your pet’s nutrition and way of life. If you have any worries about your pet’s weight, please see your veterinarian in Port Kennedy, Rockingham.

Your canine may no longer leap or have trouble getting in and out of the litter box, while your feline friend may be eating more than usual. Perhaps they are less active and lethargic now than they were before. If your pet is overweight, you may notice any of these symptoms.

Causes of Obesity in Pets

Some causes of weight growth, like those in people, are beyond your pet’s control; they include things like breed, gender, age, and heredity. Older cats and dogs may gain weight for a variety of reasons, including inactivity, boredom, and overeating.

The most common reasons why dogs become overweight include overeating, eating the wrong foods, and not getting enough exercise. The good news is that pet owners have control over and can alter these factors.


The Health Risks of Obesity for Your Pet

Overweight or obese cats and dogs are at risk of:

  • Living a shorter life
  • Being less active and healthy
  • Joint and mobility problems
  • Heart, liver and bladder conditions
  • Skin problems and a lower resistance to infection
  • Problems during surgery and anaesthesia
  • Developing diabetes and arthritis
  • Becoming bored and disinterested in exercise and play

Keeping Your Pet’s Weight in Check

A trip to the clinic is in order if you have any concerns about your canine or feline friend’s weight or if you need assistance controlling your pet’s weight. Not only may they advise you on significant lifestyle changes, but they can also suggest a premium, vet-approved pet food.

In this way, you may limit your pet’s caloric intake without sacrificing any of the vital nutrients they need.Your pet’s activity levels, sleep, and general quality of life will all quickly improve.

Also, make sure your dog or cat is going in for checkups at the vet on a regular basis; preventive medicine helps pets live longer, healthier lives.

Dietary Advice for Pets in Port Kennedy

Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital offers a range of affordable wellness packages to Port Kennedy and Rockingham locals that provide regular preventative healthcare, including health monitoring for overweight pets.

You may also get helpful, realistic advice on how to cut down on your pet’s food consumption from the team’s experienced veterinarians. If your pet is overweight, it’s best to see a vet for help.


How to Address a Skin Allergy in Your Pet

How to Address a Skin Allergy in Your Pet

How to Address a Skin Allergy in Your Pet: Regretfully, allergies may affect animals just as they do people. Finding the precise cause of your pet’s discomfort may take some time, but once the allergen has been identified, treating the ailment or avoiding the allergen is typically simple, and your pet may return to normal very quickly. Continue reading to learn more about identifying and managing your pet’s allergy.

Watch Out for Scratching

Naturally, scratching is the most typical approach to find out whether your pet has an allergy. Your pet may start gnawing on their feet, rubbing their face on the carpet, or even biting the tip of their tail because they are unable to reach their rear. The most irritating place is usually around the pelvis, but because most animals can’t easily reach this location, they might express their distress in ways other than by scratching the area that is sore.

Allergy Related Issues

While frequent self-scratching by your pet is common, it is important to diagnose an allergy when the scratching exceeds what you would typically anticipate. In addition to being frequent signs of an allergic response, irritated, red, or bumpy skin may also result from compulsive scratching, which can cause fur loss. Paw chewing, runny eyes, and sneezing are possible additional symptoms. Your pet may exhibit behavioural problems including barking, crying, or overall agitation if they are experiencing chronic itching. Examine your pet’s skin thoroughly, paying close attention to the ears, paws, tail, and lips, if you have any suspicions about anything being off. It’s likely that you’ll see indications of an allergic response.

When You Suspect an Allergy

Calling your veterinarian is the first step to take if you suspect your pet has an allergy. Your veterinarian will look at the problem once you describe the systems and show them any afflicted regions. Your veterinarian will want to determine if this is due to an airborne allergen like pollen, a food allergy, a medication allergy, or a contact allergy (from anything your pet is physically dealing with).

Finding the Cause

Finding the exact reason of your pet’s ailment may sometimes take some time, both for you and your veterinarian. Some common allergies may be tested for with a blood test, but until the reason is identified, it’s usually necessary to remove specific items from your pet’s surroundings. This might include giving your pet a temporary diet adjustment, switching up their food bowls, or giving them a new shampoo.

Treating Animal Allergies

The kind of allergy your pet has will determine the best course of action. Your veterinarian could recommend a brief course of antihistamines in the spring and summer to treat seasonal allergies like pollen. You can treat or inject your pet for flea or mite allergies to make them more comfortable, but for most other forms of reactions, all you can do is lessen or stop your pet from coming into contact with the allergen.

Get in touch with the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital staff 08 6555 5149 right now to discuss a possible allergy with one of our veterinarians or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

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