How to Save Money on Your Vet Bills. Vet bills can be extremely costly and they come as a shock to many. Your animals don’t communicate with you that they aren’t feeling well. Sometimes we don’t even notice their illness before there are obvious signs such as yelping in pain or not eating and drinking. By the time you visit your vet, serious surgery or other treatments might be needed.

It’s important to know how to save money on your vet bills while your pets are young and also into the future, not only for your sake financially but also for the sake of your pet’s health and longevity.

Here’s how you can look after your pay packet and also your beloved pet

Watch Your Pet’s Weight

It’s not abnormal for pets to be overweight. Many pet owners tend to over feed their pets with food scraps and leftovers. Most people lead busy lives with smaller yards, too. This means your pet might not be getting the exercise they need through regular walks or playing with a ball in your own backyard. Like humans, pet obesity can lead to serious health problems which can be expensive or difficult to treat. Watch your pet’s weight and make sure you’re feeding and exercising them appropriately for their breed.

 Ask about a Wellness Package

These days, some veterinarians offer wellness packages to minimise any costly bills in the long run and make sure your beautiful pet is well looked after.

At Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital, we have wellness packages to cater perfectly to your pet’s health and wellbeing needs. This is one of the best ways to ensure preventative health measures are up to date and any minor issues are picked up by your vet before they become a major one.

Find Out All Your Options

If you do encounter a problem and it looks as if it will be a costly one to treat, make sure you ask your vet to lay out all the options. More often than not, there are many ways to treat an illness and each one will vary in cost. Find out which one will suit your budget and your pet’s needs before launching into an expensive and potentially risky surgery for your pet.

Consider Pet Insurance

Wellness packages are fantastic for maintaining your pet’s health but as your pet ages, it’s natural that they may run into health problems that would require treatment or surgery. Pet insurance will leave you at ease, knowing that if something happens to your pet, whether by accident or due to old age, the costs will be looked after.

At Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital we recognize that regular preventive care is essential for your pet’s continued health. With this in mind, we have developed a range of Wellness Packages for your pet that focus on providing high-level preventative vet care for your cat, dog, puppy or kitten. Contact us today to organise a wellness package that suits you and your pet.

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