Top 8 Healthiest Foods for Dogs

Top 8 Healthiest Foods for Dogs

Top 8 Healthiest Foods for Dogs: Dogs may also consume human food. Here is a list of our 10 favorite easy and nutritious dog foods.

Peanut Butter for Energy

Peanut butter provides your dog with essential nutrients, like protein, healthy fats, and vitamins, allowing them to stay active for longer. Peanut butter may have an unusual texture for some dogs, but once they get over it, they love the creamy, salty flavor. To encourage licking, try spreading peanut butter on a carrot or apple slice, or placing it on a chew toy or bone. You should only give your dog peanut butter if it is a healthy kind that does not include any added sugar or sugar substitutes like xylitol, which may be harmful to dogs.

Cheese for a Protein Boost

Assuming your canine does not suffer from lactose intolerance, cheese is a great option for a quick and nutritious snack that is high in calcium and protein. Dogs may benefit greatly from cottage cheese due to its high protein content, low fat content, and ease of digestion.

Carrots for Healthy Teeth

Raw carrots aren’t just good for horses; they’re also a nutritious food for dogs! Carrots are healthy for dogs of all weights since they are low in calories and help keep teeth sharp when chewed. Overweight dogs may also benefit from this snack.

Yogurt for Digestive Health

What you need is living yogurt that is simple and unsweetened; this is a very precise request. Similar to cheese, giving your dog more dairy will increase his protein and calcium intake, and the living cultures and probiotics are fantastic for his digestive health.

Eggs for Extra Calories

You may give your puppy either cooked or uncooked eggs. If you want to offer your dog a healthy dose of biotin and riboflavin, one option is to feed them raw eggs—shell and all—in an outdoor setting. Try a hard-boiled egg without any spice if you’re nervous about eating raw eggs. An excellent source of calories and protein for a developing puppy!

Green Beans for Veggo Dogs

A vegetarian dog on a weight loss regimen would benefit greatly from eating green beans. The low calorie count and high fiber content of the stringy vegetable will make it easier for your dog to lose weight.

Apples for Vitamins

To ensure that your dog gets enough vitamin A and C every day, throw a diced apple into its dish when it’s snack time. The skin contains most of the nutrients, so there’s no need to peel it. However, you should try to avoid eating the seeds since they contain trace amounts of cyanide.

Fish for Good Fats

Because of the abundance of healthy fats and amino acids in cooked salmon and sardines, these fish are ideal for your dog’s diet. For the sake of your pet’s safety, always prepare fish to the proper doneness and remove any bones before feeding it.

Coconut for Immune Protection

The lauric acid found in coconuts aids in weight reduction and strengthens the immune system. While coconut meat, milk, or oil are all safe for dogs to eat, it’s important to keep their paws away from the entire coconut since the hairy rind might choke them. Coconut oil has several uses; it not only improves the appearance of your skin but also helps with bad breath and other skin issues.

Peanuts for More Protein

Your dog can eat peanuts, but that’s about it when it comes to nuts. Although almonds aren’t poisonous to dogs, their form makes them a choking hazard, and macadamias, walnuts, and pecans are very poisonous. But peanuts, which are rich in protein and healthful fats, pose no threat at all. you keep this snack healthy for your dog, just be sure you serve them shelled, unsalted peanuts.

Port Kennedy Vets offer a Wellness Programme to help you keep your dog in top condition and living a long, healthy and happy life. Call 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page today to find out more.

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5 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Dog Fit

5 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Dog Fit

5 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Dog Fit: Your dog’s health is in jeopardy if it’s overweight. The good news is that if you follow our guidelines, helping your dog shed pounds safely will be a breeze.

No More Unhealthy Treats

Whether you’re teaching your dog and want to reward excellent behaviour or preparing for a long vacation away from home, it’s tempting to give in to your dog’s every whim. While it’s perfectly OK to give your dog snacks every now and then, you should only give them goodies that are safe for dogs to consume. Miniature pieces of fresh produce, dental chews, or speciality meat sticks are all great options for treats for dogs.

5 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Dog Fit: A Strict Dog’s Dinner

Unfortunately, our four-legged buddies do not fit the definition of “sharing is caring.” As important as it is for you to eat your dinner, your dog needs to know that it is distinct from yours. Everyone in the household has to be aware that feeding your dog leftovers is hazardous for its health because it may lead to weight gain and behavioural problems.

More Playtime, More Exercise

You and Fido will both benefit from this one! Your dog will lose weight more quickly if you exercise more, and you will benefit from it as well. Make an effort to walk for longer periods of time or add an additional stroll to your regular schedule. You should team up with a buddy who also has a dog so you can divide and conquer the daily walk duty. The best way to get everyone in the family moving is to get them outdoors and play with your dog often.

Think Portion Control

Rather than giving in to its desires, make sure your dog is getting the food it needs. Find out how many calories your dog requires each day by seeing a vet or looking it up online; then, prepare meals accordingly. As a first step in helping your dog lose weight, try reducing servings by 20–30%. Just make sure your pet is still receiving all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Do a Weekly Weigh-In

If you want to set a target for your dog’s weight loss, your vet may assist you in doing so. Just stand your dog on the scales once with it and once without to get an accurate reading. If you want your dog to shed weight healthily, it’s best if it happens gradually over time.

Monitor Your Dog’s Progress

No matter how little you perceive your dog’s weight to be right now, it’s still wise to monitor its progress. Even after your dog’s weight reduction plan has ended, it’s a good idea to check in on his or her health by checking his or her weight once a month. At Port Kennedy Vets, we offer a free weight loss clinic for our clients where you can work with your vet to make sure your dog stays in top physical condition throughout its life.

To arrange a visit to one of our free weight loss clinics, call the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital team today on 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

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How to Address a Skin Allergy in Your Pet

How to Address a Skin Allergy in Your Pet

How to Address a Skin Allergy in Your Pet: Regretfully, allergies may affect animals just as they do people. Finding the precise cause of your pet’s discomfort may take some time, but once the allergen has been identified, treating the ailment or avoiding the allergen is typically simple, and your pet may return to normal very quickly. Continue reading to learn more about identifying and managing your pet’s allergy.

Watch Out for Scratching

Naturally, scratching is the most typical approach to find out whether your pet has an allergy. Your pet may start gnawing on their feet, rubbing their face on the carpet, or even biting the tip of their tail because they are unable to reach their rear. The most irritating place is usually around the pelvis, but because most animals can’t easily reach this location, they might express their distress in ways other than by scratching the area that is sore.

Allergy Related Issues

While frequent self-scratching by your pet is common, it is important to diagnose an allergy when the scratching exceeds what you would typically anticipate. In addition to being frequent signs of an allergic response, irritated, red, or bumpy skin may also result from compulsive scratching, which can cause fur loss. Paw chewing, runny eyes, and sneezing are possible additional symptoms. Your pet may exhibit behavioural problems including barking, crying, or overall agitation if they are experiencing chronic itching. Examine your pet’s skin thoroughly, paying close attention to the ears, paws, tail, and lips, if you have any suspicions about anything being off. It’s likely that you’ll see indications of an allergic response.

When You Suspect an Allergy

Calling your veterinarian is the first step to take if you suspect your pet has an allergy. Your veterinarian will look at the problem once you describe the systems and show them any afflicted regions. Your veterinarian will want to determine if this is due to an airborne allergen like pollen, a food allergy, a medication allergy, or a contact allergy (from anything your pet is physically dealing with).

Finding the Cause

Finding the exact reason of your pet’s ailment may sometimes take some time, both for you and your veterinarian. Some common allergies may be tested for with a blood test, but until the reason is identified, it’s usually necessary to remove specific items from your pet’s surroundings. This might include giving your pet a temporary diet adjustment, switching up their food bowls, or giving them a new shampoo.

Treating Animal Allergies

The kind of allergy your pet has will determine the best course of action. Your veterinarian could recommend a brief course of antihistamines in the spring and summer to treat seasonal allergies like pollen. You can treat or inject your pet for flea or mite allergies to make them more comfortable, but for most other forms of reactions, all you can do is lessen or stop your pet from coming into contact with the allergen.

Get in touch with the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital staff 08 6555 5149 right now to discuss a possible allergy with one of our veterinarians or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

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Putting Commercial Cat and Dog Foods to the Test

Tick Paralysis in Cats Dogs and Other Species

Supermarket pet foods should usually meet the basic nutritional needs of your animal, but you really do get what you pay for. Putting Commercial Cat and Dog Foods to the Test Ingredient lists are often vague and confusing so it’s hard to be sure of exactly what you’re getting, and cheaper meals are often harder for your pet to digest. We recommend choosing a premium pet food as this way you get guaranteed quality, and you can choose a formulation which supports the individual needs of your pet.

Our Favourite Cat Food

Here at Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital we are proud to stock Hill’s premium cat food for our customers. This cat food is available in the form of a delicious wet stew or crunchy dry pellets, and each formula is carefully designed for the needs of different cats. Putting Commercial Cat and Dog Foods to the Test Hill’s prescription diet range includes specific meals for weight reduction, kidney care, digestion help, skin irritations, urgent care and more. You can also choose a food that’s appropriate for the age of your cat or kitten, and all meals have been scientifically tested to ensure that they’re nutritionally balanced.

Cat Food Runner Up

The second commercial cat food that we would recommend is Royal Canin Instinctive Nutrient Preference. This formula has a great overall balance of nutritional requirements, a healthy amount of fats, protein and taurine as well as a really great injection of additional minerals. The pouches contain either chunks in gravy or chunks in jelly, and your cat will love both!

Our Favourite Dog Food

The vets here at Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital love Hill’s dog food just as much as we love their cat food! If your dog could stand to lose a little weight, has chronic stomach issues food sensitivities or a kidney problem then you can choose one of the specially formulated meals to help cure the problem. These recipes contain no artificial flavours, colourings or preservatives and are packed full of nutrition to support vitality and mobility no matter the age of your pooch.

Dog Food Runner Up

Purina Pro Plan is our next choice for commercial dog food. This premium brand is a little more expensive, but we believe that your dog deserves the best food available as what they eat has such a huge impact on their overall health. Pro Plan is designed to support your dog’s immune, digestive and coat systems with options for different age categories and wet or dry meals available.

Hill’s premium pet foods come as part of our wellness programmes. Find out more by calling our team today on 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

Are Australian Pets Overweight by International Standards?

The answer to this question is unfortunately yes. Cats and dogs in Australia are more overweight than ever, with up to one third of pets needing help with weight management in order to remain healthy. The ideal weight of your animal will depend on its breed, age and lifestyle but as an owner, it’s usually easy to tell if your pet is over the weight it should be.

Why is my Pet Overweight?

As a pet owner, you have a responsibility to monitor your animal’s health, but this doesn’t always mean that it’s your fault your pet is overweight. Dogs are more likely than cats to have weight problems, and certain breeds are more likely to become obese than others. After your pet is neutered it is common for it to put on some additional weight, and older animals are more likely to struggle than younger ones. Animals in single-pet households also tend to be heavier – it seems a little competition between pets is healthy!

Why Does It Matter if My Pet is Overweight?

Carrying extra weight around can unfortunately affect many aspects of its health. The strain of the additional pounds puts extra pressure on joints and ligaments which causes extra wear and can make fractures and damage more likely. The risk of your pet developing a range of conditions including diabetes, heart disease and respiratory issues is significantly increased and their life expectancy will inevitably be shortened.

Take Action – Diet and Exercise

Your first step towards having a healthier pet is reassessing its diet. Speak to your vet and calculate how much energy your pet actually needs per day based on its breed, size, age, weight and usual amount of exercise. You might be surprised at how much you can safely cut down on your dog or cat’s food intake! When considering portion control, make sure your pet is still getting all of the nutrients it needs with a well-balanced meal programme. Once meals are under control – it’s time to get outside! Take your dog for longer walks and encourage it to run around as much as possible by throwing toys and balls, or playing with other friendly dogs. If you’re trying to help your cat lose weight, then it’s time to get the whole family involved by playing lots of games and turning meal times into a treasure hunt!

Get Some Specialist Help

If you want to manage your pet’s weight in the healthiest and most efficient way possible then you should come to one of Port Kennedy Vet’s free weight loss clinics. At these sessions, our vets can provide you with professional advice on sensible weight loss targets and how to achieve them. Our priority is the health of your pet which is why we offer our clients this service for free, whether your pet is already obese or simply showing signs of becoming overweight.

To arrange a visit to one of our free weight loss clinics, call the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital team today on 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

Explore the Peel region

How to Match Your Pet to Your Personality

How to Match Your Pet to Your Personality So you’ve decided it’s time to bring a pet into your home – but what’s it going to be?! The animal you choose will be a part of your family for many years to come so it’s important that you choose a pet that’s the right fit for your household. Below we list a few questions you should ask yourself before making this big decision.

How Much Space Do You Have?

This is the first question you should ask yourself as space is the biggest determining factor in which pets you can have. If you’re living in a small apartment with little outside space, then getting a dog is unwise and you’re better off choosing a cat or other small indoor pet. How to Match Your Pet to Your Personality If you have some space then a dog is an option, but bigger dogs need more space to run around so make sure you choose a breed that fits the size of your home.

Do You Like to Travel?

If you work long hours or travel frequently then you’ll need to choose a cat or breed of dog that can tolerate being left alone for long periods. Most cats are happy at home if you go on holiday and get a friend to feed them, whilst dogs often struggle without their owners around and would need to spend time in a kennel.

What’s Your Lifestyle?

If you’re a very active person and love spending time outdoors running or hiking then a terrier or sporting dog such as a cocker spaniel, golden retriever or Irish setter will be a great exercise companion. On the other hand, if you prefer to spend your free time relaxing then a small breed or a toy dog will be happy to curl up with you on the sofa at the weekend without needing too much activity, and be satisfied with just a toddle around the garden for exercise.

Why Do You Want a Pet?

Do you want companionship for yourself or a play buddy for your children? If you’re thinking about home security and protection then herding dogs such as Australian shepherds, border collies and Australian cattle dogs will be your top choice. For a low-maintenance sofa buddy an older cat is a great idea, whereas a terrier will watch out for the whole family when you’re out and about.

Adult vs. Baby

You have two options when getting a new pet – buying a young kitten or puppy or adopting a mature animal. Younger pets are of course cuter and very hard to resist, but require a lot of work to become fully house trained and used to living with humans. An older animal will already be socialised and housetrained, but may be less energetic than a youngster. Think about how much energy you and your family have to give to your new pet before you make your decision.

To enquire about adopting a cat, or arrange vaccinations for your new pet, call the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital team today on 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

Latest News in the Veterinary World


Human health isn’t the only area where medical breakthroughs are being made. Latest News in the Veterinary World are a few topics we find interesting here at Port Kennedy Vets.

Australian Cat Plague

This deadly disease has been largely unseen for 40 years but multiple kittens in Victoria have been diagnosed with it so far in 2018. Feline parvovirus is a nasty disease which attacks the small intestine of cats, causing vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, anorexia and sometimes sudden death. Latest News in the Veterinary World Australia was one of the first countries to develop a vaccine for the virus, and its use quickly became routine, almost eradicating the virus altogether. Unfortunately, the disease is now back, but it can easily be prevented with the vaccine – so contact your vet and make sure your cat is protected today.

Canine Cancer Vaccine

In some cases, canine medicine leaps ahead of human medicine. A vaccine called ONCEPT has been developed which considerably extends the life expectancy of dogs suffering from certain types of melanoma. The vaccine works by provoking an immune system response which ultimately attacks cancer cells remaining after a dog has had a tumour removed.

Animal Acupuncture

Acupuncture is now commonly used by some vets to relieve pain and treat certain ailments in animals. Researchers still don’t fully understand this alternative therapy, but evidence suggests that it is effective in many cases. Animal acupuncture is most commonly used in cats, dogs, cows and horses for chronic degenerative joint diseases, neurological disorders, chronic pain management and respiratory issues.

Dietary Supplements for Pets

Supplements are really big in the nutrition world right now – but not just for humans! Multi-vitamins, supplements and food boosters have become big business in Australia where they are being sold in specialist pet shops, wholefood shops and veterinary clinics. It’s often difficult to make sure your pet is getting all the nutrients they need from their diet, especially if they have allergies or food intolerances so supplements are a great way to keep your animal in full health.

Animal Genetic Testing

Developed in the UK, genetic testing for animals is now spreading across the world. This type of test can be used to determine paternity as well as being used to look for indicators of genetic disease. Tests can also be carried out to determine the breed of your dog if you’re unsure exactly where your beloved mongrel came from!


It’s well known that animals have a significantly heightened sense of smell in comparison to us humans, so aromatherapy can be an extremely effective treatment for pets. Essential oils can be used to calm a nervous animal, fight off bacteria and viruses, repel insects and boost your pet’s immune system, all with the added bonus of protecting you against any nasty odours caused by your furry friend itself!

To discuss any of these topics with a professional, call the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital team today on 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

Identifying Dental Disease in Your Dog

Identifying Dental Disease in Your Dog is one of the most common diseases in dogs, especially in older animals. If caught early then the damage is easily reversible, but left untreated it can lead to tooth or bone loss which can require surgery. Make sure you keep your dog’s mouth healthy by learning as much as you can about dental disease with our useful information below.

What is Dog Dental Disease?

If your dog is diagnosed with a dental disease, it is likely to be periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. This starts with an inflammation in the gums and progresses to a stage where the affected tooth is no longer fully attached to the gums, affecting the deep supporting structure of your dog’s bite.

Causes of Canine Dental Problems

There are many factors that can lead to periodontal disease in your pet. The most common cause in dogs is a build up of either streptococcus or actinomyces bacteria, but it can also be caused by poor nutrition or general bad hygiene. If bacteria, food particles or other debris are allowed to build up along your dog’s gumline then this can form a plaque which can ultimately lead to gingivitis. Certain breeds of toy dog have crowded teeth which gives them a much higher chance of developing dental issues.

Diagnosing Your Pet’s Dental Disease

There are a few simple ways you can check your dog for dental disease at home –

  • Bad breath is one of the early signs of gum disease or gingivitis so if your dog’s breath is stinky (or worse than usual!) then this could be an indicator.
  • Check your pet’s gums to make sure they are not red or swollen
  • Look over their teeth – if they are discoloured in any way, coming loose or missing then these are disease indicators
  • Think about your pet’s appetite – if your dog has periodontal disease it may be eating less than usual due to pain, or avoiding its usual chew toys or bones.

If you suspect dental disease, then it’s time for a trip to the vet. Here we will be able to take an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis and discover the extent to which the disease has spread.

Treatment for Canine Periodontal Disease

The treatment your vet prescribes will depend on the severity of the disease. If a gum inflammation is caught early then treatment will focus on controlling and reducing plaque by daily tooth brushing and professional tooth cleaning, often with fluoride application. If the disease is more advanced then your dog could need a deep dental clean, antibiotics or even tooth or bone replacement.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Don’t let all this talk of dental disease scare you – it’s very easy to keep your dog in top oral health just by regularly brushing their teeth and gums, using specialist dental chews, maintaining a healthy diet and taking your pet for regular check ups with your vet.

Arrange a dental check up for your furry friend today – call the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital team on 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

Why Adult Cats Make Great Adoption Pets

Dog Training: Why Is It Important?

Why Adult Cats Make Great Adoption Pets Once you’ve made the decision to get a cat for your home, the next thing you need to consider is whether to adopt a mature cat or to buy a young kitten. There are pros and cons to both options, but here we outline why at Port Kennedy Vets we believe that adopting an adult cat could be the best choice for you.

A Calmer Pet

There’s no denying that a tiny kitten is cute and fun to play with, but their boundless energy can be exhausting. Kittens can be constantly excited and will need round the clock attention when they’re young. They need a lot of training in order to get used to a structured bed time and feeding times, and will munch away on furniture, food – anything they can find! When you choose to adopt a mature cat, they have already learned how to live with humans. An adult pet will be house trained and used to living peacefully in a family home. Your cat will offer company when you want it but be equally happy left alone.

A Better Choice for Children

Older cats have more patience to deal with younger children. Until your child is old enough to fully understand how to properly treat animals, their rough treatment can provoke scary reactions from kittens who may respond to boisterous behaviour with scratching or biting. A mature cat is more likely to put up with a child learning how to interact with it, and won’t be too offended by rough handling.

A Better Choice for Your Pets

If you already have adult cats or dogs, a mature cat will be able to integrate into your household much better than a kitten. Bringing a new kitten into an established pet relationship can cause problems with the older animals as their routines and independence are threatened. Kittens will want to constantly play with older animals and this can be stressful for your existing pets.

Know What You’re Getting in Advance

When you adopt an older cat, it’s already developed its personality so you know exactly what you’re getting. Some people will be looking for a quiet companion whereas others will want a lively cat to play with the kids. If you bring home a kitten, you have no way of knowing how it’s going to turn out as an adult – it could be sleepy and placid or fond of attacking you at any opportunity. When you adopt a mature cat, the staff at the shelter will be able to help you choose an animal that best suits your situation.

To arrange a check up for your new cat, call the Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital team today on 08 6555 5149 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.

Who Are the Port Kennedy Vets?

Who Are the Port Kennedy Vets?, we understand, value, and respect the special nature of the bond between an owner and their pet. We aim to provide the best quality healthcare for your pets in order to maximise their quality of life. Pets are a part of the family and we know that when they suffer, you suffer. That’s why we dedicate each day to relieving pain and restoring health as quickly and comfortably as possible.

Highly Qualified Staff

We currently have 7 highly skilled veterinary surgeons on the team, as well as our two owners who have more than 70 years of veterinary experience between them. Our surgeons have all dedicated their education and careers to animal care – we have a genuine passion for looking after your pets.

Friendly Service

Our reception is staffed by a mixture of qualified veterinary nurses and students, so you can be sure that caring for your pet is their number one priority. We understand how worrying it can be to visit the vet, both for owners and their pets, and we aim to make clinic visits as easy and comfortable as possible.

All-Round Care

Our team of support staff includes two groomers, two kennel hands, and a puppy school trainer. We pride ourselves on providing a service that looks after all of the needs of your pet from their first visit to their senior years. Our qualified veterinary surgeons offer advice on all aspects of pet care including nutrition, behaviour, dental care and preventative treatments to ensure excellent all-round care for all patients.

Modern Technology

We believe that keeping up with technological developments is vital in order to provide the highest standard of care to your pet. We are proud of the exceptional standard of our clinical facility, which includes a dedicated dental suite, a wide range of anaesthetic and pain relief methods, medical monitoring equipment, and a modern sterilisation autoclave.

A Community Vet

Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital has been operating under its current owners for 18 years, growing from a small one-vet treatment centre to the large and busy centre we are today. We believe in supporting the next generation of vets, which is why we offer many work placements throughout the year to give students the hands-on experience they need to succeed in the veterinary world. In order to give back to our community, we offer free seminars on animal wellness and provide educational support to local schools.

To make an appointment at Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital, call us now on 08 9524 6644 or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.