Inoculation Is Essential for Your Pet

Inoculation Is Essential for Your Pet

There are a lot of misunderstandings among Australian pet owners about vaccinations, which may seriously harm our dogs’ health. You should know all the potential consequences for your pet’s health and safety if you’ve decided against vaccinating your dog or cat.

Are you still unclear about when to schedule vaccines for your cat or dog, or if you have any questions regarding the process overall? We hope the information we have provided will be useful.

Keep reading for some helpful advice on the most popular core vaccinations and why it’s so important to vaccinate your dogs.

Important Information Regarding Vaccinations

Vaccines protect your pet from disease by simulating an actual illness. The result is an increase in antibody production by the animal’s white blood cells. The immune system’s antibodies attach to pathogens and neutralise them, destroying diseased cells.

Your pet’s body will retain this procedure. Therefore, the next time the same virus strikes, it will mount the same powerful defences to fend it off.

Vaccinating your pet is crucial, but why?

As part of your pet’s preventive health care, vaccinations are crucial. Vaccinating cats and dogs while they are young will provide them with the greatest defence available. One of the best ways to ensure a long and healthy life for your puppy or kitten is to have them vaccinated as soon as possible.

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), rabies, hepatitis, parvovirus, feline leukaemia, and other similar diseases may cause severe illness or death in young animals. It is better to protect your cat or dog from these illnesses by taking preventive healthcare measures than to try to cure them after the fact.

Crucial cat vaccines


Feline Enteritis (or Feline Panleucopenia)

Depression, lack of appetite, unexplained vomiting, and diarrhoea (sometimes with blood and severe stomach discomfort) are signs of highly infectious feline enteritis. The mortality rate from the condition is rather high, particularly in kittens.

Cat Flu, also known as Feline Respiratory Disease

Cat flu accounts for 90% of cases; the cause is either the feline calicivirus or the feline herpes virus. All cats are susceptible to cat flu, but Siamese and Burmese cats, as well as small kittens, are more vulnerable. Sneezing, coughing, runny eyes, nasal discharge, appetite loss, and tongue ulcers are symptoms of this very infectious illness.

Leukaemia in Felines (FeLV)

Cats might experience a loss of appetite, lethargy, indifference, pale or yellowish mucous membranes, vomiting, diarrhoea, reproductive issues, and tumours when the Feline Leukaemia virus affects the immune system.

A genus of chlamydia, sometimes called chlamydophila

Up to 30% of cats might have severe and chronic conjunctivitis from Feline Chlamydia. When kittens acquire the flu at the same time, they are more likely to develop Chlamydia.

Vital dog vaccinations

Canine Parvovirus

Serious and possibly deadly, the canine parvovirus assaults the intestines, resulting in severe stomach discomfort, uncontrolled vomiting, and bloody diarrhoea. The disease’s devastating dehydration and infectious effects are the main causes of death for dogs.

Distemper in Dogs

Fever, hacking cough, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhoea, depression, and lack of appetite are symptoms of distemper, a dangerous and very infectious viral illness. Paralysis, tremors in the muscles, and fits are symptoms that often manifest later on in the course of the illness.

Hepatitis in Dogs

A virus that causes a deadly and highly infectious illness in dogs Symptoms may manifest as a high temperature, sadness, lack of hunger, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and severe stomach pain.

Coughing in Dogs

Puppy classes, kennels, and dog parks are major vectors for the transmission of a highly contagious illness. As a result of the illness, dogs may have a dry hacking cough that lasts for weeks and puts them in danger of pneumonia.

Leptospirosis in dogs

Rat urine is a major vector for the deadly disease leptospirosis, which may infect dogs via contaminated water and food or by biting a rat. High mortality rates in canines are possible, and people may get a flu-like disease that lasts for a while after contracting the virus.

Be sure to incorporate vaccinations for your dog or cat into their wellness programme.

Keep your pet’s immunisation records current at all times. If you want to make sure your pet gets all the key immunisations they need to be healthy, talk to your vet about putting together a wellness package.

Affordable wellness packages are available at Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital for dogs, cats, kittens, and puppies. These packages include frequent preventive treatments to ensure your pet stays healthy.
