Pet Nutrition Basics

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If you’re a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to make sure your dog or cat is getting the level of good food and nutrition they need to maintain good health and muscular bodies.

In the same way humans rely on food for energy, minerals and vitamins, your pet’s diet is the fundamental basis of good health and vitality. You’ll need to know the importance of certain food groups and nutrients in their diet for optimal pet well-being.

Read on for more information about feeding your pet to make sure your pet is eating a well-balanced and nutritional diet.

Providing Proper Nutrients for Your Pet

All animals require a balanced diet containing 6 essential nutrients.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates provide our bodies with energy, while vitamins, minerals and water are necessary for other metabolic needs.

Read on to see why each nutrient is essential for your pet’s health.

  • Proteins – an essential source of amino acids, required by both cats and dogs, with cats needing twice as much protein as dogs!
  • Fats – the most important source of energy for animals
  • Carbohydrates – a vital energy source for dogs primarily, providing fibre and calories; too many carbs will be stored as fat in dogs and cats and can lead to obesity
  • Vitamins – healthy coat, nails, and assists in food digestion for healthy bones
  • Minerals – providing levels of sodium, magnesium and iron, for example
  • Water – the most critical ingredient, water accounts for between 60 to 70% of an adult pet’s body weight

A Balanced Diet for Your Pet

As you can see, it’s imperative to cover all nutrients to ensure your pet’s well-being.

You can do this by providing a well-balanced diet that includes the major food groups needed by dogs and cats. You can achieve this with high-quality premium pet food brands appropriate for the age and lifestyle of your pet.

Natural foods, in the way of raw meats, bones and vegetables, can be used to supplement pet diets. It’s best to choose high-grade raw meats for human consumption for the best nutritional value.

Professional Guidance for Your Pet’s Diet

If your pet is sluggish, low in energy or carrying a lot of excess weight, it’s probably best to talk to a qualified veterinarian about improving their diet. Your vet will recommend foods designed for your lifestyle and to help treat chronic conditions.

It’s always good to get regular vet check-ups for your pet, as preventative healthcare contributes to a happier, healthier life for your best mate.

At Port Kennedy Veterinary Hospital, your pet can receive regular professional care under an affordable monthly payment system that suits your budget and guarantees ongoing good health for your cat or dog.

Offering a range of wellness packages, your pet will receive regular check-ups to ensure ongoing good health and prevent illness and disease. With compassionate and skilled vets always on hand to guide you on areas such as diet and nutrition, you know your pet will be in good hands.

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